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Osteopathy is a gentle form of manual medicine that uses a variety of techniques to diagnose and treat the structure and functions of the body. 


An osteopath will utilise their finely tuned hands on techniques to address the dysfunctions in the body, thus improving the function and leading to a better quality of life for the person. Osteopathy is a healthcare system that looks to treat the whole person, taking into account life style factors, previous medical history and injuries. Treatment will then address the cause of the problem, not solely on the presenting symptoms.


Osteopaths are highly qualified, primary healthcare practitioners and are registered with the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (APHRA). Our osteopaths regularly undergo continued professional development and post graduate studies. They are passionate about their work, and are truly interested in helping you regain your health and wellbeing.

Our osteopaths use gentle indirect treatment techniques, including cranial osteopathy, or cranio-sacral therapy. Using minimal force to your body. Allowing us to treat any ages, from babies to the elderly and many different types of conditions.


We work with all the different structures of the body, including, connective tissues, joints, muscle and ligaments. Addressing the strains in the body that are affecting your condition, working in a holistic way to bring you ease, comfort, balance within your body and better health.


At Border Family Osteopathy, we have a special interest and substantial experience in the management and treatment of:

Babies: sleep disturbances, birth trauma recovery, reflux, feeding difficulties, colic, pre & post tongue & lip tie release, ear infections, constipation, unsettled & irritability.


Children & Teenagers: ear infections, urinary disturbances, learning difficulties, sports injuries, asthma, neck & back pain, headaches, pre & post dental work, recurrent throat infections, post concussion treatment


Adults: neck & back pain, headache & migraine, sports injuries, joint pain, sciatic pain, whiplash injuries, stress & anxiety, digestive problems, post concussion treatment, TMJ dysfunction

Women’s Health: pre/post & pregnancy issues, period pain, menopausal symptoms, amenorrhea, fertility issues

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